Monday, March 8, 2010

100 Days with Jesus -- The Journey Continues!

Day 63
I can’t believe it’s been a month since I last posted to this blog. How could that happen? It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago. Let’s see, I got involved with a visit from the home office in NY and then I had to prepare for my federal licensing exam and training loan officers. Oh yes, I did work on getting my first newsletter out too. And then our Sunday school class project has met with many needs to help those in the community that need financial help during this cold winter. After all, I was really busy doing good things and things that needed my attention. After all I do have other responsibilities don’t I? And that’s how it happens!
It’s probably appropriate that during this 100 day journey to explore my walk with Christ, that I would fall off the wagon. I had been faithful to post up my experiences on a regular basis and it has been such a blessing to me and a growing experience. But then the many pressures of daily life happen and I got distracted and lost sight of my priorities to blog regularly. I think this is also what happens as we work to grow spiritually in our walk with the Lord. It isn’t always bad things that keep us from Him. The devil is quite happy to use good things or bad things to steer us away from the Lord. It makes no difference to him as long as we are not serving God. It takes discipline and commitment to walk closely with the Lord and most importantly it requires that He remain first in our list of priorities, even above the good things in life like family, friends or work. I’ve missed the time that I was spending each morning, writing about my Lord. It had become a great way to start my day. And I’m especially thankful for the special friends that noticed that I had not written in a while. But I’m back and ready to continue on this journey that had become so rich and rewarding. I hope you will also continue on with me.

100 Days with Jesus - Time and Opportunity Pass Faster Than We Realize

Day 62

I can’t believe it’s been a month since I last posted to this blog. How could that happen? It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago. Let’s see, I got involved with a visit from the home office in NY and then I had to prepare for my federal licensing exam and training loan officers. Oh yes, I did work on getting my first newsletter out too. And then our Sunday school class project has met with many needs to help those in the community that need financial help during this cold winter. After all, I was really busy doing good things and things that needed my attention. After all I do have other responsibilities don’t I? And that’s how it happens!
It’s probably appropriate that during this 100 day journey to explore my walk with Christ, that I would fall off the wagon. I had been faithful to post up my experiences on a regular basis and it has been such a blessing to me and a growing experience. But then the many pressures of daily life happen and I got distracted and lost sight of my priorities to blog regularly. I think this is also what happens as we work to grow spiritually in our walk with the Lord. It isn’t always bad things that keep us from Him. The devil is quite happy to use good things or bad things to steer us away from the Lord. It makes no difference to him as long as we are not serving God. It takes discipline and commitment to walk closely with the Lord and most importantly it requires that He remain first in our list of priorities, even above the good things in life like family, friends or work. I’ve missed the time that I was spending each morning, writing about my Lord. It had become a great way to start my day. And I’m especially thankful for the special friends that noticed that I had not written in a while. But I’m back and ready to continue on this journey that had become so rich and rewarding. I hope you will also continue on with me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100 Days with Jesus -- The Rich and Poor Meet Together and the Lord is Maker of Them All

Day 61
We finished our last conversation with a discussion of wealth and what it means to us. It is important. Let’s face it, having the resources to meet our needs and then some, matters to us and there’s no need to pretend that it doesn’t. Does that make us worldly or less spiritual? I really don’t think so. I believe the fear of appearing worldly concerning money prevents us from being honest with ourselves about what an important role it plays in our lives.

We get up every day and go to work. Most of us spend more time at work than we do at home. We schedule our week around it, our vacations, actually our lives. When I hear Christian people say that money is just not that important to them, I just don’t believe it. It doesn’t add up. They work hard and support their families and fulfill their obligations. They support their churches along with numerous other charities. You can’t do these things when you’re broke or when you are not responsible toward your job.

We all work and make money so why do we pretend that it doesn’t matter? Let’s just admit that it does. Remove the guilt and the conflict from your life and accept that money is not bad. And, what you do with it can honor God, whether you are paying your bills on time, taking care of your family or helping meet the needs of others. There’s a trend in our nation that hints toward the concept that those of us who own businesses or those who have high paying jobs are greedy. And that if they are successful, it came at the expense of someone else so it should all be given back.

This attitude is just as contradictory with God’s Word as the notion that money is bad. We have heard our whole lives that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil but we also have to remember that laziness and irresponsibility does not honor God either. I’ve found for me that working hard, being profitable and sharing with those that are truly in need brings balance and contentment to my life. Proverbs 22:2 says ‘The rich and poor meet together; the Lord is the maker of them all.’

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

100 Days with Jesus -- How Do You Really Feel About Wealth?

Day 60
How do you really feel about wealth? If you dig down real deep and ask yourself if you can possibly live a life of joy, satisfaction and contentment without wealth and possessions, what would your answer REALLY be? Let’s be honest. Okay, I struggled with this one. I’ve been broke and I’ve had money and to be honest, having money was much better. Let’s see, there is less stress. I can fulfill my obligations without the embarrassment of an unpaid bill. I can take vacations and go out to eat dinner any time I want. I can give more to my church and help others in need. But when it comes down to it, I don’t want to be the one in need. I would rather be the giver than the receiver. Is it because I’m so generous? As I think about it, I have to admit the answer is no. I am generous but I would rather be the giver because of pride. I don’t want to have to ask for help.
Ouch! That was painful, but oh so true. Well, I won’t get into my deep psyche any further at this point, maybe more another day. But wealth has its purpose. It is there to provide for our needs and the needs of others but it is not to be the source of peace and contentment. I believe this recession has taught that lesson to many of us, including myself. What I have relied upon and worked for can vanish in an instant and I’ve spoken to many people who have experienced the loss of all their possessions.

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes talks at great length about wealth and more importantly, what it is not. As one of the wealthiest men in history, he found no happiness in all his things. But as I read this, I think to myself that it’s easy for him to say, he had it. What about the people that don’t have it? I know this, as Lanny and I have faced an economic time in history that we haven’t experienced before, we have had to consider what’s important to us. And I can tell you, it wasn’t our things. Yes, we wanted to honor our commitments and fulfill our obligations but if it had come down to it, our relationship with the Lord, with each other and our health came first. Yet, these are the very things that are sacrificed first for wealth. Working and being productive and successful is good so how do we balance it with joy and contentment or does it go hand in hand? I’m rambling a little but what do you think?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

100 Days with Jesus -- The People of Haiti

Day 59
As I write this morning, the world is watching the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti unfold. Thousands of people have died and bodies are piled high. There are many more, yet to be discovered, beneath the rubble. Some will never be found. It’s incomprehensible. And then the speculation begins. Why did this happen? Is God punishing these people because of their history of devil worship and voodoo? It doesn’t take long for the infamous statements from the TV evangelists that these people asked for it because of their pact with Satan. Good grief! That’s not what these poor people need to hear right now.

We forget when these tragedies occur, that we are a fallen society. Bad things are going to happen and every bad thing is not the wrath of God. We have a God that loves us and desires for us to reach out to Him. When life is good, the budgets are not tight and all is well, we tend to forget how much we need Him to guide us and sometimes carry us through this life. As I watch the pain and suffering of these poor people in Haiti, it breaks my heart. Yes, there are people there that worship evil out of fear. But there are also people there that love the Lord, probably more so than those of us sitting in nice comfortable pews on Sunday morning. They love Him more because they risk their lives to love Him and we don’t have to. I pray that during this time of tragedy, we’ll all pray for these people of Haiti and find ways to reach out to them, both physically and spiritually. It’s not the time to condemn their lifestyle. Their spirits are broken and their hearts are tender. There will never be a better time to let them know that the Lord loves them and will carry them through. Psalm 22:24 – ‘For He has neither despised nor abhorred the afflictions of the afflicted; neither has He hid His face from them; but when he cried to Him, He heard.’

Friday, January 15, 2010

100 Days with Jesus -- Are You a Spirit Quencher?

Day 58
Are you a spirit quencher or are you surrounded by spirit quenchers? I have been surrounded by spirit quenchers in times past, both in my personal life and in my business life. Sometimes it sneaks up on you and you don’t even realize it until you step away from it all. It’s a slow, subtle death of your enthusiasm, confidence and hope. As I get older, I’ve become more in tune to it and when I find myself surrounded by quenchers, I get away quickly. I used to think that I could ‘fix’ them so I would invest my time and energy trying. Before I knew it, I would begin to see my enthusiasm diminish and my optimism would wane. I always try to encourage but if it meets with rejection, I’m out of here!

I once had an employee that was always complaining. She was never grateful for the customers that chose to do business with us or for the wages she could earn to help support her family. Everything was a pure inconvenience. But worst of all she had no confidence in the company, the industry or me and after a long period of time, I began to question it myself. How did I combat this negativity? I prayed and asked God where did He want me to be? Was it time to move on to other things? But He gave me clear direction that I was to stay put and see it through. I’m so glad I listened because many times I venture out on my own. And now, that employee is gone, having missed the greatest opportunities in the business in several years. I am surrounded by some of the most uplifting and encouraging people that I’ve ever known. We’re working as a team and are excited about our futures. The negativity had to move out to make room for the optimism. It’s like light and dark. Negativity and optimism cannot exist together in the same space. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 says ‘Do not quench the Spirit’. I pray that I will never quench anyone’s spirit or the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

100 Days with Jesus -- The Use of Time

Day 57
Continuing with thoughts of a new year and a fresh start, one of the issues that I struggle with the most is the management of my time. I’m always trying to make time, save time, find time, give time and ultimately manage time. I guess as I get older, I’m more aware of the value of time and that it passes so quickly. It seems like just a few years ago I was in my twenties, thinking that being 50 years old was ancient and I dreaded being that ‘old’. But now that I’m there, I’m amazed at how quickly it happened. But on the other hand, I don’t feel old and I still imagine myself being younger than I really am. I don’t really think about age as much as I did when I was younger.
So why is time so valuable? Is it because it’s fleeting and we cannot add to it or take any of it away? Have we become slaves to time? Imagine this. What if we considered the use of our time as an act of worship? After all, isn’t every moment of time a gift from God? It is and perhaps that is why the use of it is so important. Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, ‘there is an occasion for everything and a time for every activity under heaven’.
I don’t think I’ll ever master the use of time but at least I can manage it better and be more respectful of it. So, what could you do to better use the time that the Lord has given you? Where is the most time wasted? These questions are worth our attention if we are to honor God for His blessings of time.